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Steps for folding paper cranes

Featured: "Sabaw (Recipe for the Soup...)"

Brianna DeLima Ifland

STAND ON THE COLD WOODEN FLOOR, hands hovering over the stove. Feel the steam collect on your hands, listen to the song of the whistling kettle. Maybe match its pitch. Maybe harmonize. There’s a bass buzz of a boiling pot in your cozy kitchen choir. Has the bone marrow bled into the broth? Can you see the garlic and onion swim?


Make a whirlpool with wooden spoons and the table salt will smell of the sea. Its waves will drag you in, grab you by the ankles. Don’t swim against its tide—let it take you back home. It will drag you to long island days under the steaming Philippine sun, golden skin and sand and water for as long as the eye can see. The dish is made with more than boullion and vinegar and bok choy. The cow’s . . . 

Celebrate Outstanding Young Poets

The Paper Crane: Poetry by Outstanding Young Writers (cover art)

The Paper Crane: Poetry by Outstanding Young Writers is a compilation of the works of three dozen rising poets, hand-picked from the submission pool of the Paper Crane Journal's second volume. The poets, all of whom submitted their work while under the age of twenty, represent four continents and diverse styles of verse. Paper Crane's editors-in-chief welcome readers in exploring the exhilarating and sometimes shocking creative minds of Generation Z.

While we have you, don't forget to check out Prose by Outstanding Young Writers, and keep your eye out for any calls for submission in the future by joining our mailing list.

Blog Post: "Grieving Hardcore"

David Coppin Lanegan

★“In the UK, they have this attitude that's very much, you just bottle it up. That whole kind of like post-war, stiff upper lip expression, and I think recently in the last ten, fifteen years, there’s been a lot more talk about expressing yourself, how you’re feeling. People's mental health and wellbeing, you know it’s a huge thing in society today. Especially in the UK.”

About PCJ

Since 2021, the Paper Crane has accepted submissions from ages 19 and younger and compiled selections into (roughly) quarterly issues. In addition to this, we have published two editions of a print anthology, the first featuring a handful of talented prosaists and the second a troupe of young poets. Our staff is an intimate crew of young writers, though we often look for other intrepid creatives to join us in our endeavors. 

We appreciate above all else the intricacies of creation--the cutting, folding, and creasing. Rather than foster an environment of competition, we strive to help individuals achieve their first, second, or perhaps third publication, to provide a home for more experienced young writers, and to encourage a never-ending passion for the arts.

In 2024, we're looking for the minimalist and the maximalist, the protest and the ode, the script and the improvisation, the subtle and the not-at-all-subtle. 

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