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Volume 3 Issue 1: Origins
(& a woman wades the stream
–beyond the dam of schoolchildren–
clutching at her breast
the baby of Los Alamos.)
(plums strewn in what was once dirt;
a goat shrieks
pieces of a head covering
stuffed with cotton like forget-me-nots.
the crackling church; sounds of a war ending.)
(eulogies sewn into sun-burnt bodies.
a child born into an aftermath.)
(amidst ashes, a city wishes to be a god.
to be heard in bursts.)
Emi Maeda
Emi Maeda is the 2024-2025 Montgomery County Youth Poet Laureate and Iowa Young Writers’ Studio Alumna. Her work is published or forthcoming in Polyphony Lit, Eunoia Review, and The Chautauqua Anthology. She enjoys playing with her dog and making the best of her senior year.
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